Friday, June 14, 2013

Exam Review

Attached is a copy of the exam review and exam outline.

Exam Review and Outline

Remember: any incomplete summative activities must be completed during credit rescue time. See exam schedule.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Exam Project and Industry May 31 to June 07

Week in Summary

- Introdction to exam project - Work on project in class with a partner. Project Due June 07

- Independant home work

An Investigation of Industry in Canada

Chapter 20 outline questions

Chapter 26 outline questions

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Population Pyramids

Learning Goals:

I can produce and interpret a population pyramid given associated population statistics.


Complete attached Activity.

Discuss findings.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Learning Goals

I know the major factors that affect  a country's population and can manipulate the factors to predict the future population of  country.

Intro to Demographics - Power Point

Grade 9

Demographics - Lesson is provided on Canadian Demographics.

a) Power point presentation - Jeopardy
b) Development of Notes
c) Calculation Activity

Please print and review the following Chapter 15 outline questions

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Thanks so much for such a great field trip on Friday. Check out the pictures . Click below

Learning Goals:

I can identify 3 major factors that influence migration.
I can explain the three ways immigrants can enter Canada.
I can explain why Canada accepts immigrants.


Provide notes on immigration.

Students to complete the attached chapter 17 outline questions.


Migration Equation which explains why people move locations.


3 different ways to immigrate to Canada. 

1.   Independent Immigrant
1a) Business Class Independent Immigrant
2.   Family Class Immigrant
3.   Political Refugee

Tomorrow we will complete a decision making activity that looks at Immigration.
Please review the decision making process prior to tomorrows class.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Niagara Falls - Preparation

Learning Goals

I know the elements of a postcard and can produce a postcard that profiles the human and natural features of the Niagara Falls region.

I can undertake research using the Internet to prepare for a holiday trip.

I can produce a scatterplot graph that is used to determine the relationships between a variety of
socio-economic variables and then relate the patterns on the graphs to development.


Provide instruction for 3 activities.

1. Post Card Assignment
2. Niagara Falls Scavenger hunt
3. Scatterplot Graphing Activity.

- (Work for the Week)

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 10 - Decision Making Human Development Index (HDI)

Learning Goals:

I can compare the level of development of a selected group of countries using a multi-factor decision making process.



Using the strategy introduced on Wednesday, students will undertake a decision making activity comparing the quality of life for 8 different countries.

HDI - Human Development Index Activity

Use data from your text book pgs. 406 and 408

May 09

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Decision Making : An Introduction - Theme Park

Learning Goals.

1. I can make logical multi-factor decisions using a decision making Matrix.
2. I can compose a 5 paragraph decision making report using a decision making matrix as a guide.


Review Ecologic Footprint Essay

Teach Decision Making using the example which selects the best theme park to visit.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Ecological Footprint

Learning Goals:

I know what an ecological Footprint is.
I can calculate the size and interpret the significance of my own ecological footprint.
I can identify several ways to reduce the size of my ecological footprint and can explain why it is important to do so.


Complete and take up attached worksheets.


Take up textbook Questions

Outine Answers

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ecological Footprint

Learning Goals:

I know what an ecological Footprint is.
I can calculate the size and interpret the significance of my own ecological footprint.
I can identify several ways to reduce the size of my ecological footprint and can explain why it is important to do so.


Assign chapter 36  - read

Assign chapter 36 outline questions  attached

Complete attached questionare for Monday.


Test - Canada's Physical Geography WEDNESDAY MAY 01


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Canadian Ecozones

Learning Goals

1. I understand how ecozones are constructed using a layering process.
2. I know how to determine the unique characteristics of modified ecozones using soil, vegetation, landform and climate data.
3. I know how to construct modified ecozones and produce an associated legend using Arcview.

4. I can produce in Arcview a real Ecozone map of Canada.
5. I can produce a legend to go with the real ecozone map of Canada using Soil, Vegetation, Landform and Climate data.


1. Provide instruction to produce a real Ecozone Map of Canada and using Arcview.
2. Provide instruction to produce a legend for the real Ecozone Map of Canada.



Test on Thursday - Soil, Vegetation, Landform , Climate and Ecozones - Big Test - Be Prepared.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ecozone Construction Continued.

Learning Goals

1. I understand how ecozones are constructed using a layering process.
2. I know how to determine the unique characteristics of modified ecozones using soil, vegetation, landform and climate data.
3. I know how to construct modified ecozones and produce an associated legend using Arcview.


1. Complete Modified Ecozone map of Canada and associated legend from Friday.

2. Provide instruction to produce a Modified Ecozone map and associated legend using Arcview.


Test on Thursday - Soil, Vegetation, Landform , Climate and Ecozones - Big Test - Be Prepared.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Introduction to Ecozones and Ecozone Construction

Learning Goals:

1. I know that a region is an area that is defined by its unique characteristics.
2. I know that an ecozone region is an area defined by a unique combination of soil, vegetation, landform, climate, human use of the land and wildlife.
3. I can know Canada's 15 ecozones, how they are constructed and the features that make them unique.


Show film: Bill Nye - Climates

Take up yesterday's homework. pg 140 Question # 12

Yesterday's Climate Graphs - Regina Victoria

Introduce Ecozone Construction. (MATERIALS)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Types of Precipitation

Learning Goals:

I can identify and explain 3 types of precipitation.
I can expalin 6 factors that influence climate.
I can produce a climate graph using climatic statistics and classify a climate as being a continental, maritime or arctic climate.
I can calculate the the temperature at different elevations using the wet and dry lapse rates.


Teach 3 types of precipitation. Cyclonic, Convectional and Relief

Review the answers for chapter 12 outline questions. Attachment

Produce in full colour 2 climate graphs.

Regina data

Victoria data

Complete question # 12 pg. 140

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April24 Climate

Learning Goals

I know 6 factors that affect climate.


Teach  LOWER+N.

Complete chapter outline questions. (Chaptre 12)

Produce 2 climate graphs Regina - Victoria

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Learning Goals

I know the difference between weather and climate.
I can explain 6 factors that affect climate.
I can produce a climate graph.
I can use data from a climate graph to classify an area as having a continental or maritime climate.


Give notes comparing weather and climate

Students to complete defintion activity. Climate Terms

Teach climate graphs. Climate Graph WATERLOO WELLINGTON


Weather refers to the day to day conditions of the atmosphere for a given time and place.

Climate refers to the long term average weather conditions for a given time of the year and place.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Climate and Weather - The Atmosphere

Learning Goals

1. I know the layers of the Atmosphere
2. I can explain 6 factors that affect climate.


Produce a map : Vegetation Regions of Canada
Instructions Provided

Give Graphing assignemt - Layers of the Atmosphere

Start reviewing notes: Factors that affect Climate

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18th - Vegetation


I can describe differences between  coniferous and deciduous vegetation and identify in general terms where these types of vegetation will grow.
I can expalin what tundra looks like and identify climatic factors that influence the distribution of Tundra in Canada.
I can identify where in Canada the grasslands are located and relate their distribution to climatic factors.
I can explain using an example related to vegetation, what a transition zone is.

Take up soil questions.
Students to complete their soil map from yesterday.

Lesson on Coniferous, Deciduous and Tundravegetation and the distribution of vegetation types based on temperature.

Students to complete Chapter outline questions on Vegetation.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Soil - Continued


I can identify and describe the 4 components of soil.
I understand that soil is a component of the overburden and that it sits on top of bedrock.
I can identify a mature versus an immature soil based on soil horizon development.
I can identify the locations and characteristics of Canada's 4 main soil regions.


Read the story "There's a Hair in my Dirt"

Teach Soil Processes
- Leaching

Ask students to Produce an Arcview Layout - Soil Map of Canada (Provide Instructions)

Home work:

Assign Chapter 13 outline Questions

Questions: 1,2,3,5,6,7,14,15,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,35,36,37,38,40


Leaching - The downward movement of water soluble minerals through a soil profile in wet climate areas. Rain water dissolves water soluble minerals in the soil. As the water percolates downward, the minerals are carried with the water deep into the soil profile. The topsoil in areas of excessive leaching is often infertile.

Calcification - The upward movement of water soluble minerals in soil, caused by excessive evaporation dry climate areas. As water evaporates from soil,  minerals are carried to and deposited on the surface. If the mineral concentrations at the surface become too high, the soil can become toxic for some plant.

Permafrost. Soils found at high elevations and latitudes where temperatures are cold. The water component of soil is frozen all year long. The top 5 to 10 cm. may thaw in summer months but the ice at lower levels does not allow surface water to percolate into the ground. In summer months these areas may be quite muddy. The top soil are that does melt in the summer is called the Active Layer.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013



I can identify and describe the 4 components of soil.
I understand that soil is a component of the overburden and that it sits on top of bedrock.
I can identify a mature versus an immature soil based on soil horizon development.
I can identify the locations and characteristics of Canada's 4 main soil regions.


Show the Bill Nye film - Rocks and Soil

Hand out  worksheet on soil - Soil Worksheet

- components of soil
- soil processes - calcification and leaching - permafrost

Assign Chapre 13 outline Questions

Monday, April 15, 2013

Glacier Powerpoint Presentation - CONTINUED

Learning Goals

I can identify several erosional and depositional features associated with Continental and Alpine glaciers.

I can produce a structured powerpoint presentation.

Continue to work with a partner to complete the attached Glacier Assignment using the attached
Glacier Power Point Template.

Use the attached presentation as a starting reference source for the assignment.


Please review the Assignment work sheet for changes and clarifications.

Due to our cancelled day Thursday and the limited attendance we experienced Friday the due date for the project is Wednesday.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Glacier Project - Continued

Learning Goals

I can identify several erosional and depositional features associated with Continental and Alpine glaciers.

I can produce a structured powerpoint presentation.

Continue to work with a partner to complete the attached Glacier Assignment using the attached
Glacier Power Point Template.

Use the attached presentation as a starting reference source for the assignment.


Please review the Assignment work sheet for changes and clarifications.

Due to our cancelled day yesterday the due date for the project is Wednesday April 17.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Glacier Power Point Project

Learning Goals

I can correctly use the terms bedrock and overburden to describe characteristics of the earth's crust.

I can identify several erosional and depositional features associated with Continental and Alpine glaciers.

I can produce a structured powerpoint presentation.

Continue to work with a partner to complete the attached Glacier Assignment using the attached
Glacier Power Point Template.

Use the attached presentation as a starting reference source for the assignment.


Please review the Assignment work sheet for changes and clarifications.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 09 - Powerpoint Presentation - Glaciers

Learning Goals

I can describe and explain the distribution of 2 major types of glaciers.
I can identify several erosional and depositional features associated with Continental and Alpine glaciers.
I can produce a structured powerpoint presentation.

Yesterday we watched the film on the formation of the Great Lakes.
Introduce the Glacier Power Point Activity by watching the presentation on Glaciers and the Film The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes

Show the glacier powerpoint presentation.

Introduce the Assignment with the following files.

Glacier Assignment

Glacier Power Point Template

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Interior Plains - and Glaciation

Learning Goals

I can describe several features that make the Interior Plains landform region unique.

I can describe and explain the distribution of 2 major types of glaciers.
I can identify several erosional and depositional features associated with Continental and Alpine glaciers.
I can produce a structured powerpoint presentation.


Discuss the film The Drylanders and identify several characteristics of the region that make it unique.

Introduce the Glacier Power Point Activity by watching the presentation on Glaciers and the Film The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes

Show the glacier powerpoint presentation.

Glacier Assignment

Glacier Power Point Template

Announcement -

Mark Thursday's work using the following Link - Chapter 11 outline Questions with Answers.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Interior Plains

Learning Goals

I can identify the location of Canada's landform regions and can describe major characteristics of the regions that make the regions unique.

I know that a region is an area that is defind by unique characteristics.


Watch the film The Drylanders

We will discuss the film on Monday

Chapter 11 - Canadian Landform Regions

Learning Goals

I can identify the location of Canada's landform regions and can describe major characteristics of the regions that make the regions unique.

I know that a region is an area that is defind by unique characteristics.


Students will complete Chapter 11 outline Questions with Answers.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rock Cycle Review and Introduction to Canadian Landform Regions

Learning Goals

I understand how rocks can be classified according to how they are formed and I can draw a labeled diagram of the rock cycle using annotations that incorporate suitable terminology.

I can identify the location of Canada's landform regions and can describe major characteristics of the regions that make the regions unique.

I know that a region is an area that is defind by unique characteristics.


Review the rock cycle.

Watch the film - Canada's Physical Geography

Provide a map template for student's notebook. Also provide descriptions and photographs of Canadian landform regions. Homework. - Cut out descriptions and photographs and paste them on the map template in suitable locations. AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF THIS MAP TEMPLATE IS NOT AVAILABLE

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tectonics, Gradation and the Rock Cycle

Learning Goals

I can explain how gradational and tectonic processes work in opposition to one another.

I can explain how mountains are built in areas of Convergent and Divergent Tectonic Plate Boundaries.

I understand how rocks can be classified according to how they are formed and I can draw a labeled diagram of the rock cycle using annotations that incorporate suitable terminology.


A) Show Bill Nye - Earth's Crust

B) Show PowerPoint on Plate Tectonics

C) Provide instruction on Tectonic Plate movement including convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Note Template

D) Teach the rock cycle. (Rock Cycle Animation)


- Weathering
- Erosion
- Deposition
- Igneous
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
- Rock
- Mineral
- Bedrock
- Overburden

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mountain Building - Movement of tectonic Plates

Learning Goals

I can explain how gradational and tectonic processes work in opposition to one another.
I can explain how mountains are built in areas of Convergent and Divergent Tectonic Plate Boundaries.


A) Test on Geologic History

B) Show PowerPoint on Plate Tectonics

C) Provide instruction on Tectonic Plate movement including convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Note Template

D) Show Bill Nye  - Earth's Crust

Happy Easter

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Plate Tectonics

Learning Goals

I can explain how earthquakes and volcanoes occur and relate them to tectonic plate movement.
I can produce a seismic map of the world using ArcView and interpret the patterns on the map to locate tectonic plates.


Students are to produce a layout in Arcview that dispalys the major tectonic plartes as well as the earthquake locations for all of the magnitude 6 Earthquakes to have taken place from 1985 to the present.


Students to work in pairs.


Geologic History test on Thursday. - Reading Graphical Text

Environmental Leadership Camp
Application Form

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Geologic History and Plate Tectonics

Learning Goals

I can explain how earthquakes and volcanoes occur and relate them to tectonic plate movement.
I can produce a seismic map of the world using ArcView and interpret the patterns on the map to locate tectonic plates.


Take up yesterday's activities

Chapter 10 outline questions - answers
Geologic History - Atlas activity

Teach process for producing a tectonic Map of the World.

Work Period
Students to work in pairs.


Geologic History test on Thursday. - Reading Graphical Text

Environmental Leadership Camp 
Application Form

Monday, March 25, 2013

Canada's Physical Geography: Geologic Time

Learning Goals

I know that the earth's history that is divided into 4 major eras  is based on major biologic and geologic events that have occurred over the last 4.6 billion years.

Collect the Elevation projects and make arrangements for students who have not completed their  projects to do so at lunch in room 312.

Grade 9
Undertake an activity on Geologic time and complete the the attached Chapter 10 outline Questions for Tomorrow.

Friday, March 22, 2013

3d Model Construction

Learning Goals.

I can produce a 3 dimensional model of a landscape using a contour map as a reference source.


Provide instruction to produce a foam model of student islands. ( final component to the elevation project)

Project is due on Monday.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Elevation Assignment

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.
I can manually produce a profile from Contour Lines.
I can produce a profile using Arcview.
I can represent elevation with schematic views and explore a landscape from different perspectives using Arc Scene.


Your Elevation Assignmet is due Monday March 25.

A copy of your checklist is provided here.
Elevation Assignement - Checklist

Monday, March 18, 2013

Elevation Assignment: Continued

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


I can manually produce a profile from Contour Lines.
I can produce a profile using Arcview.
I can represent elevation with schematic views and explore a landscape from different perspectives using Arc Scene.


A) Reflect on map skill development based on testing. Develop a plan to improve areas of weakness.

B) i) Teach students to produce a map profile manually.
    ii) Teach students to produce a map profile using Arcview.

Profile Assignment including Answers

C) Work Period: Continue to work on Mapping Project.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Elevation Assignment (ARCVIEW) - Scale and Direction Test

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


Test on Map Scale and Metric Conversions within the Metric System and Direction.

Instruction and work period in Arcview.

Elevation Assignement - Checklist

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Elevation Assignment - Arcview

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


Test on Latitude and Longitude, Map Grid, Time zones and Map projections..

Instruction and work period in Arcview.

Elevation Assignement - Checklist


Test Thursday on Map Scale and Metric Conversions within the Metric System and Direction.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Representing Elevation on Maps - Arcview

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


Instruction and work period in Arcview.


Test Tomorrow on Latitude and Longitude, map grid, Time Zones and Map Projections.
Test Thursday on Map Scale and Metric Conversions within the Metric System and Direction.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 2- 3 terminology test

Learning Goals

I can demonstrate my knowledge of mapping terminology.

I can interpolate spot elevations in order to draw contour lines.
I can prepare a digital Elevation Model for use in Arcview.


Administer test 1
Continue Contouring Activity in Arcview.
Complete the Digital Elevation Model of personal island and start to digitize the the DEM in Excel for use in Arcview.


Test on Thursday

Test on Monday -
Using a road Map

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Representing Elevation on Maps 2

Learning Goals.

I know several techniques to represent elevation on Maps.
I know how to interpolate spot elevations in order to draw contour lines.
I know how to prepare a digital Elevation Model for use in Arcview.


Continue Contouring Activities in Arcview.

Teach the process for creating a contour map and creating a digital elevation map from this work.

Test on Wednesday
Chapter 2 and 3 outline questions - Terminology

Test on Thursday

Monday, February 25, 2013

Representing Elevation on Maps

Learning Goals.

I know several techniques to represent elevation on Maps.
I know how to interpolate spot elevations in order to draw contour lines.


Take up scale questions and Chapter 3 outline questions.

Scale Answers

Chapter 3 outline questions ANSWERS

Provide notes on representing elevation on Maps

Teach contouring
Students will work on sample questions.

Test on Wednesday
Chapter 2 and 3 outline questions - Terminology

Friday, February 22, 2013

Time Zones and Chapter 3 Outline Questions

Learning Goals

I can  determine time in different parts of Canada knowing Canada's Time Zones.
I can determine time in different parts of the world using longitude.


Time Zones


Complete Chapter 3 outline Questions

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 2 Outline Questions and Answers


Students to complete the chapter 2 Outline questions in class.
Chapter 2 outline questions with answers.

When the chapter 2 outline questions are completed in class they are to start Chapter 3 outline questions. Chapter 3 questions are not to be completed for tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Map Grid and Relative Scale

Map Grid and Relative Scale

Learning Goals

I can describe characteristics that destinguish Large and Small Scale Maps.

 I know how to describe where places are found on a large scale map using a Map Grid / Military Grid


Provide instruction related to Relative Map Scale.
Scale Notes Scale and Metric conversions within the metric system.

Provide instruction related to Map Grid.


Stratford Map Activity. Reading a Topographic Map - Using Map Grid

Friday, February 15, 2013

Consolidation Day (Road Map and Landform Map)

Learning Goals

I can explain what map projections are.
I can describe distortions created by map projections.
I can describe three categories of map projections.
I can adjust the map projection of a data frame in ArcMap.
I can produce a Landform Map of Canada using Arc MAp.
I know the main elements to a road map.


Today is a consolidation Day.

We will take up yesterday's Road Map Activity and work on your Landform Map of Canada.

Home Work

Phone 1 800-ONTARIO (Travel Ontario hot line)

Request 3 Road Maps of Ontario
One for your Mother
One for Your Father
One for Me - Bring in your Envelope with your name and Address on it - This is how I know you made the call yourself.

Due before the March Break

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Landform Map of Canada

Learning Goals

I can explain what map projections are.
I can describe distortions created by map projections.
I can describe three categories of map projections.
I can adjust the map projection of a data frame in ArcMap.
I can produce a Landform Map of Canada using Arc MAp.
I know the main elements to a road map.


Collect Political Map of Canada (PMOC)
Collect Map Projection Homework from Yesterday.
Review the concept of Map Projections and Distortions caused by projections.
Assign activity to produce a landform map of Canada using Arc Map.
Landform Map is due Due on Friday
Road Map: - Review the components of a road map in order to complete a road map activity in class tomorrow.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Absolute Location: Describing Where places are Found using Latitude and Longitude

Learning Goals

I can produce a political Map of Canada using Arcview.
I know and can include the 6 major map components on all of my maps.
I can describe where places are found using Latitude and Longitude

1. If necessary complete the Political Map of Canada in class today. (Due Wednesday)
2. Complete the work sheets on Latitude and Longitude in class or for homework. Depends if you are working on your Political Map of Canada in class. (Due Tommorow)

Latitude and Longitude Assignment

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Direction and Bearings

Learning Goals

I can produce a political Map of Canada using Arcview.
I know and can include the 6 major map components an all of my maps.
I know the cardinal, ordinal and intermediate compass points and their associated compass bearings, and can use this information to describe direction.


Take up the geographic themes assignment.
Teach Direction
Complete the Arcview Map of the Political Map of Canada - PMOC

See Attached Notes on Direction


Prodce a neat compass rose that takes up a full page that includes:
Cardinal Points
Ordinal Points
Intermediate Points
Compass Bearings for all points

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Major Mapping Components

Today's Learning Goals:

I can produce a political Map of Canada using Arcview.
I know and can include the 6 major map components an all of my maps.


Collect yesterday's activity related to Geographic Themes.
Teach 6 major mapping components
Complete the Arcview Map of the Political Map of Canada - PMOC


All Maps must include the following elements.
Title - Meaningful and Specific
Orientation Arrow - North Arrow
Scale: Ideally a scale bar using even divisions. eg 100, 200, 300 km
Legend and or labels - Not necessarily both.
Name: Your name on the  bottom right corner - Inside the border
Border - Also called a neat line. The border surrounds the entire map including your title, map, north arrow, your name, scale, label and or all labels.

Align labels when necessary.
Respect the concept of symmetry.
Prominent features have a large font size, less prominent features have a smaller font size
Labels are mostly horizontal on the page.
Stick to one font type
Avoid clutter
Spread labels out
Avoid placing labels over line work - eg. a border or river

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome to My Geography Classroom.


I hope that everyone has had a great first semester, but today reality finally sets in.  Today starts the first day of a new semester. I look forward to having you in my class. I look forward to meeting you, getting to know you and teaching you. It is an important time for me to outline my expectations for you, my expectations for my class and  and very importantly it is a time for me  start to learn how you learn best. It is my goal to engage you, make you think, and help you with your learning in order that you go home and tell yourself or your family that "school is fun and I can't wait to go back tomorrow". Perhaps my goals are lofty, but my pledge to you is that I will do my best to help you learn and be successful this year.

There are times this semester that you will be introduced to skills or concepts that are new. Please don't get frustrated or discouraged. Be patient with yourself as I will be patient with you. The only thing that I ask of you is that you use the talents, skills and gifts that God has given you to the best of your ability.

Have a great semester, talk to me if you have any concerns and give this course a great effort.

Today's Learning Goals:

I know a good definition for Geography and the 5 themes of Geography.
I can produce a political Map of Canada using Arcview.
I know and can include the 6 major map components an all of my maps.

Today's Lesson:
- Notes and clarification of  the 5 Geographic Themes

- Review of the 6 Major Map components.

- Provide instruction to produce a political Map of Canada.
   Map to be submitted