Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tectonics, Gradation and the Rock Cycle

Learning Goals

I can explain how gradational and tectonic processes work in opposition to one another.

I can explain how mountains are built in areas of Convergent and Divergent Tectonic Plate Boundaries.

I understand how rocks can be classified according to how they are formed and I can draw a labeled diagram of the rock cycle using annotations that incorporate suitable terminology.


A) Show Bill Nye - Earth's Crust

B) Show PowerPoint on Plate Tectonics

C) Provide instruction on Tectonic Plate movement including convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Note Template

D) Teach the rock cycle. (Rock Cycle Animation)


- Weathering
- Erosion
- Deposition
- Igneous
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
- Rock
- Mineral
- Bedrock
- Overburden