Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday Feb 14. Grade 9 Regions, Glaciation as an Earth Flattening Force

Grade 9

Yesterday we reviewed the concept of a region and revisited the three types of regions studied this year.

A region is an area that is defined by unique characteristics.

Land Mass regions - Continents - (7)
Political Regions - Countries and Provinces
Natural Regions - Landform Regions of Canada.

Canadian Landform Regions.
Western Cordillera
Interior Plains
Canadian Shield
Great Lakes st. Lawrence Lowlands

Arctic Canada
- Arctic Lowlands
- Hudson Bay Lowlands
- Arctic Canadian Shield

We also looked at the two main processes that shape the face off the earth.

Tectonic Processes
Mountain Building Processes ( earthquakes and Volcanoes)


Gradational Processes
Erosional Forces 
Earth Flattening Processes

We looked at the influence of the most significant Erosional Force, Glaciation.

10,000 years ago Most of Canada was covered by glacial ice up to 2km thick. This ice was so erosive that it gouged out  depressions that make the current Great Lakes.

There are 2 types of glaciers:

Continental Glaciers similar to Antarctica and Greenland

Alpine or Mountain Glaciers similar to the ones found in the Western Cordillera.

To supplement this material students watched the film The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes.