Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(9)-cdn cities excel (11)-Nebula Hypothesis (12)-Angles dms

Today's Learning Goals

Grade 11

I can explain the dynamic nature of a hypothesis.
I can list the evidence that supports the Nebula Hypothesis that explains the formation of the Earth and Solar System.

I can can work with angles including adding and subtracting angles that are divided into degrees, minutes and seconds.

Grade 9

I can organize tabular information into an Excel Spreadsheet.

Today's Lessons

Grade 11

Provide instruction on the concept of a hypothesis.
Students to read pages 12 to 24 i Text Book.

Grade 12

Provide instruction as well as an activity that gives students practice addind and subtracting angles that are divided into degrees, minutes and seconds.

Grade 9

Students are to research the latitude and longitude of Canada's capital cities using Heavens Above and then assemble the information into an excel spreadsheet template.