Today's Learning Goals
Grades 11, 12
I can explain how people's impression of world and the power and size of nations is influenced by map projections.
Grades 11
I can explain the Big Bang Theory and the Nebuar Gas Hypotheis.
Grade 12
I can open a map in Arcview and edit the appearance of the map.
Grades 9
Period 4
I can use Arcview to create a Political Map of Canada.
Period 5
I can interpret a road map.
Today's Lessons
Grade 11 - 12
Watch film on map projections.
Grade 11
Answer questions on the Big Bang Theory and the Nebular Gas Hypothesis. Questions
Grade 12
Work with Arcview to open and edit basic map files.
Grade 9
Period 4
Work to complete the Politicl Map of Canada - PMOC
Period 5
Students to get practice interpreting graphical text by decoding an Ontario Road map.