Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mountain Building - Movement of tectonic Plates

Learning Goals

I can explain how gradational and tectonic processes work in opposition to one another.
I can explain how mountains are built in areas of Convergent and Divergent Tectonic Plate Boundaries.


A) Test on Geologic History

B) Show PowerPoint on Plate Tectonics

C) Provide instruction on Tectonic Plate movement including convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Note Template

D) Show Bill Nye  - Earth's Crust

Happy Easter

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Plate Tectonics

Learning Goals

I can explain how earthquakes and volcanoes occur and relate them to tectonic plate movement.
I can produce a seismic map of the world using ArcView and interpret the patterns on the map to locate tectonic plates.


Students are to produce a layout in Arcview that dispalys the major tectonic plartes as well as the earthquake locations for all of the magnitude 6 Earthquakes to have taken place from 1985 to the present.


Students to work in pairs.


Geologic History test on Thursday. - Reading Graphical Text

Environmental Leadership Camp
Application Form

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Geologic History and Plate Tectonics

Learning Goals

I can explain how earthquakes and volcanoes occur and relate them to tectonic plate movement.
I can produce a seismic map of the world using ArcView and interpret the patterns on the map to locate tectonic plates.


Take up yesterday's activities

Chapter 10 outline questions - answers
Geologic History - Atlas activity

Teach process for producing a tectonic Map of the World.

Work Period
Students to work in pairs.


Geologic History test on Thursday. - Reading Graphical Text

Environmental Leadership Camp 
Application Form

Monday, March 25, 2013

Canada's Physical Geography: Geologic Time

Learning Goals

I know that the earth's history that is divided into 4 major eras  is based on major biologic and geologic events that have occurred over the last 4.6 billion years.

Collect the Elevation projects and make arrangements for students who have not completed their  projects to do so at lunch in room 312.

Grade 9
Undertake an activity on Geologic time and complete the the attached Chapter 10 outline Questions for Tomorrow.

Friday, March 22, 2013

3d Model Construction

Learning Goals.

I can produce a 3 dimensional model of a landscape using a contour map as a reference source.


Provide instruction to produce a foam model of student islands. ( final component to the elevation project)

Project is due on Monday.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Elevation Assignment

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.
I can manually produce a profile from Contour Lines.
I can produce a profile using Arcview.
I can represent elevation with schematic views and explore a landscape from different perspectives using Arc Scene.


Your Elevation Assignmet is due Monday March 25.

A copy of your checklist is provided here.
Elevation Assignement - Checklist

Monday, March 18, 2013

Elevation Assignment: Continued

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


I can manually produce a profile from Contour Lines.
I can produce a profile using Arcview.
I can represent elevation with schematic views and explore a landscape from different perspectives using Arc Scene.


A) Reflect on map skill development based on testing. Develop a plan to improve areas of weakness.

B) i) Teach students to produce a map profile manually.
    ii) Teach students to produce a map profile using Arcview.

Profile Assignment including Answers

C) Work Period: Continue to work on Mapping Project.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Elevation Assignment (ARCVIEW) - Scale and Direction Test

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


Test on Map Scale and Metric Conversions within the Metric System and Direction.

Instruction and work period in Arcview.

Elevation Assignement - Checklist

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Elevation Assignment - Arcview

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


Test on Latitude and Longitude, Map Grid, Time zones and Map projections..

Instruction and work period in Arcview.

Elevation Assignement - Checklist


Test Thursday on Map Scale and Metric Conversions within the Metric System and Direction.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Representing Elevation on Maps - Arcview

Learning Goals

I can Produce an event theme in Arcview.
I can convert an event theme into a shapefile in arcview.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated colours.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of graduated symbols.
I can represent elevation in arcview using a series of interlocking triangles called a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
I can represent elevation in arcview using contour lines.
I can produce layouts in Arcview using Templates.


Instruction and work period in Arcview.


Test Tomorrow on Latitude and Longitude, map grid, Time Zones and Map Projections.
Test Thursday on Map Scale and Metric Conversions within the Metric System and Direction.