Thursday, February 5, 2015

Political Map of Canada

Today's Learning Goals:

I can produce a political Map of Canada using Arcview.
I know and can include the 6 major map components an all of my maps.


Complete yesterday's activity on Latitude and Longitude
Review 6 major mapping components
Teach the Arcview Map of the Political Map of Canada - PMOC


All Maps must include the following elements.
Title - Meaningful and Specific
Orientation Arrow - North Arrow
Scale: Ideally a scale bar using even divisions. eg 100, 200, 300 km
Legend and or labels - Not necessarily both.
Name: Your name on the  bottom right corner - Inside the border
Border - Also called a neat line. The border surrounds the entire map including your title, map, north arrow, your name, scale, label and or all labels.

Align labels when necessary.
Respect the concept of symmetry.
Prominent features have a large font size, less prominent features have a smaller font size
Labels are mostly horizontal on the page.
Stick to one font type
Avoid clutter
Spread labels out
Avoid placing labels over line work - eg. a border or river