Learning Goals
I can explain how gradational and tectonic processes work in opposition to one another.
I can explain how mountains are built in areas of Convergent and Divergent Tectonic Plate Boundaries.
I understand how rocks can be classified according to how they are formed and I can draw a labeled diagram of the rock cycle using annotations that incorporate suitable terminology.
i) Take up Test from Last week.
ii) A) Show Bill Nye - Earthquakes (MON) Earth Materials (TUES)
B) Show PowerPoint on Plate Tectonics
C) Provide instruction on Tectonic Plate movement including convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Note Template Map Tectonic Plates
D) Review the rock cycle. (Rock Cycle Animation)
Review - Terminology
- Weathering
- Erosion
- Deposition
- Igneous
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
- Rock
- Mineral
- Bedrock
- Overburden
Chapter 11 Outline Answers - Geologic History
Demonstration - Producing a Seismic Map of the world using ARCVIEW