Friday, June 13, 2014

Tertiary Industry : Services - Where the Jobs are - Chapter 29

Learning Goals:

1. I can interpret statistical employment Data.

2.  I can  construct a circle graph to compare the relative importance of
     each industrial sector in Canada's Economy.

3. I can produce a summary statement comparing each industrial sector.

4. I know characteristics of Tertiary Industry that set it apart from other industrial categories.


A) Literacy Challenge - Reading Graphical Text - Wimboldon - Give time for completion of activity

B) Circle Graph analysis - Take up activity from yesterday.

C) Assign Chapter 29 outline questions. Chapter 29 Attachment

Exam Review: 

See attachment

Credit Rescue
Post Card Assignment

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Importance of the service sectors to Canada's Labour Market.

Learning Goals:

1. I can interpret statistical employment Data.

2.  I can  construct a circle graph to compare the relative importance of
     each industrial sector in Canada's Economy.

3. I can produce a summary statement comparing each industrial sector.


A) Literacy Challenge - Reading Graphical Text - Sportsplex - Give time for completion of activity

B) 1. Review Types of Industry.

2. Review Industrial Location Factors.

3a)  Review Transportation theory as it pertains to Locating an industry.

3b)  Review Transportation Problem from the Last week test.

3c) Complete the Following
Exam Review Question

C) Interpreting Employment Statistics

Employment by industry and sex (number in thousands)

Employment by industry and sex (in percent)

Assignment Sheet.

D) Chapter Outline Questions

Chapter 29 Attachment

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 6, 9 10,11 - Culminating Activity - Exam Review Part A

June 6,9,10,11.

Students will work in pairs to complete thier culminating activity. - Locating a New Landfill site in Waterloo region.

Exam review Materials
Part A


See Attachment

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Test Day - Chapter 22 and 28

Test Day

Sectors in Canada's Economy Chapter 22

Location Factors and Manufacturing Chapter 28

The remaing part of the class will be spent on Graphic Literacy - See yesterday's entry

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Culminating Activity and Graphic Literacy

Learning Goals:

Period 2
I can interpret geography related graphic literacy type questions that were taken from previous years literacy tests.

Period 3
I can complete my culminating activity.


Period 2
Hand back yesterday's decision making activity
Review strategies to complete elevation project.
Undertake 6 graphic literacy questions and discuss answers.

Period 3

Work on culminating activity in room 202


Test Tomorrow
Industry categories
Locating an industry

Culminating Activity

Learning Goals:

I know how to use a decision making organizer in order to locate a manufacturing plant in Canada.
I know how to write a decision making report.

I know how to access the activity and data to complete the culminating activity.


Complete the decision making report from yesterdays activity.

Accessing the culminating activity over the school network "I Drive"
Accessing the data to complete the culminating activity.
How to use arcview to complete the culminating activity.
How to use PowerPoint to display the culminating activity.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Secondary Industry - Industrial Location Factors

Learning Goals:

I can explain how six factors influence the location of \industry.
I can make a logical decision and write a structured report explaining where an industry should be located.
I can apply models of transportation theory to minimize transportation costs for a manufacturing company.


Review orally - 7 Industrial Location Factors, 3 Types of Industry

1) Jeopardy quiz based on Friday's work - Industrial Location Factors

2) Review a) 3 factors that impact Transportation costs
                 b) 3 Types of Raw Material

3) Take up Transportation Triangle problem  assigned in class last Thursday
     Assign and take up a new problem.

4)  Introduce an assign Decision Making Activity - Industrial Location
Complete the Industrial Location Decision Making Activity.

Answers to text book questions

Sectors in Canada's Economy Chapter 22

Location Factors and Manufacturing Chapter 28

Monday, May 26, 2014

Population and Immigration Test


Tuesday is our Population and Immigration Test.

Today's Learning Goals

1. I can use the decision Making Organizer to determine which city a new immigrant to Canada would move to. (Application Assessment)
2. I know the 3 different Industrial Categories and Can list 6 factors that impact the location of Industry. (Industrial Location Factors)


Assign the Immigration to a Canadian City Activity to be completed in Class.
Give notes on Industrial Categories.
Take Up outline questions on Canadian Trade and INternational Organizations.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Watchers of the North

Learning Goals:

I can explain some of the environmental, social and economic hardships facing young people in the far nortn


Watch the film : Watchers of the North episode 5 - Junior Rangers.
Discuss the film and the similarities and differences of the young people in the film compared to themselves.

Extra Materials:

Niagara Falls Post Card Activity - Due Friday
Post Card Assignment

Post Card Template

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Population and Immigration

Learning Goals:

I know the different Canadian Immigration Categories and how to qualify to get into Canada in each Category.

Population Outline Questions and Answers

Immigration Points System

Immigration Outline Questions

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Decision Making - Theme Park

Learning Goals.

1. I can make logical multi-factor decisions using a decision making Matrix.
2. I can compose a 5 paragraph decision making report using a decision making matrix as a guide.


Review Ecologic Footprint Essay

Teach Decision Making using the example which selects the best theme park to visit.



Answer with report

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Representing Elevation on Maps - Ecozone Construction

Learning Goals

I can represent elevation on a map using contour lines, spot elevations or bench marks, and colour.
I can organize elevation data into a digital Elevation Model (DEM)


Teach relief (Elevation) representation. contouring , colour, spot heights and bench marks.
Activity - Attached

Complete Activity
Start producing a DEM of model Island in Excel

Monday, April 7, 2014

Friday April 04 Ecozones

Learning Goals

I know what an Ecozone is.
I know how to determine the soil, vegetation, landform and climate of an ecozone.
I Know where Canada's 15 Ecozones are located.


Lesson provided on Ecozones including Definition.

Students produced a legend for Canada's 15 Ecozones. Soil, Vegetation, Landform and Climate were included on each legend.
Activity: Complete the legend found in the attached Power Point using the information in the PowerPoint

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Learning Goals

I know what enhanced global warming refers to.
I know the consequences of Global Warming.
I know how to reduce my own contribution to global warming.


Start class with news film clip - UN report on Global Warming

Take up questions from yesterdays class.

Answers to An Inconvenient Truth worksheet questions.

Teach the global energy budget and relate it to Global Warming.

April 02 - An Inconvenient Truth - Global Warming

Learning Goal

1. I can explain why the theory of Global Warming is difficult to prove.
2. I can explain how global warming occurs.
3. I can describe some outcomes of global warming.


Watch the film An Inconvenient Truth and answer
the attached questions.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Climate - Conclusion - Global Warming

Learning Goals

I can identify and explain 3 types of precipitation.
I can explain the concept of enhanced global warming using the earth's global energy budget.


Take up Friday's classwork.

Activity page 155

Answer Template

Watch film Bill Nye Climate

Teach 3 types of precipitation. Cyclonic, Convectional and Relief

Teach the Global Energy Budget and relate it to Enhanced Global Warming


Notice: Test Tomorrow - April 01
Soil, Vegetation and Climate

Friday, March 28, 2014

Continue from last Wednesday

Learning Goals

I can identify and explain 3 types of precipitation. (MONDAY)
I can explain 6 factors that influence climate. (Focus - Nearness to Water and Relief)
I can produce a climate graph using climatic statistics and classify a climate as being a continental, maritime or Arctic climate. (Climate Statistics - Interpreting climate Graphs)


Complete climate graphs including Statistics.
Compare climate graphs from the perspective of Continental vrs.Maritime climates.
(Teach Nearness to water as a Factor that affects climate.)

Review LOWER+N - Notes

Complete Activity page 155

Answer Template

Teach 3 types of precipitation. Cyclonic, Convectional and Relief  (MONDAY)

Watch film Bill Nye Climate (MONDAY)

Produce in full colour 2 climate graphs.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Literacy Day


In recognition of Grade 10 Literacy Day the class will undertake a variety of questions from previous years literacy tests in order to get an idea of the expectations for next year's test.
(30 min)

Students will also be given an opportunity to work on areas in this class where they may have been having difficulty. I am available in class to work with individuals or small groups to reteach any concepts we have addressed this year.

Two films will be available in class as an enrichment opportunity to view the relationships between Canada's Soil, Vegetation, Landform, Climate, human use of the land and wildlife. These include parts 1 and 2 from the CBC series Wild Canada.

Part 1 The Eternal Frontier

Part 2  The Wild West

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Climate Continued

Learning Goals

I can identify and explain 3 types of precipitation.
I can expalin 6 factors that influence climate.
I can produce a climate graph using climatic statistics and classify a climate as being a continental, maritime or arctic climate.
I can calculate the the temperature at different elevations using the wet and dry lapse rates.


Teach 3 types of precipitation. Cyclonic, Convectional and Relief

Review the answers for chapter 13 outline questions. climate answers

Produce in full colour 2 climate graphs.

Regina data

Victoria data

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Soil Processes and Climate

Learning Goals

1. I know  the processes of calcification and leaching and can relate these processes to dry and wet climate areas.

2. I know the difference between weather and Climate.

3. I know the different layers of our Atmosphere.

4. I know the main factors that affect Climate.


Teach Soil Processes

Teach the difference between Weather and Climate.

Teach Layers of the Atmosphere

Film  Felix Baumgartner

Teach LOWER+N - Factors that affect Climate

Test on Soil, Vegetation and Climate Next Tuesday April 01, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Canada's Climate: An Introduction

Learning Goals:

1. I know what climate refers to.
2.I know the layers of the atmosphere.
3. I know 6 factors that affect climate and can relate these factors to different regions of Canada.


I am sorry for my absence today. I will see you tomorrow when we will complete our investigation of Canada's Soil and Vegetation as well as investigate characteristics of Canada's Climate.


Watch the Bill Nye Film - The Atmosphere

Work on the the attached chapter 13 outline questions.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Canadian Vegetation

Learning Goals

1. I know  the processes of calcification and leaching and can relate these processes to dry and wet climate areas.

2. I know and can explain the distribution of the 4 main categories of natural vegetation.


Hand Back Wednesday's Test.
Teach Natural Vegetation Types and Regions

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Canada's Soil And Vegetation

Learning Goals

1. I know  the processes of calcification and leaching and can relate these processes to dry and wet climate areas.
2. I know what permafrost soil refers to and can explain in general terms where you will find these types of soil.
3. I know where the organic component of soil originates.
4. I know and can explain the distribution of the 4 main categories of natural vegetation.


Collect landform project

Read the story by Gary Larson - There is a hair in my dirt.
Teach the 4 different types of natural vegetation and the distribution of the vegetation types.
Assign chapter 14 outline questions.

Test on Tomorrow (Wednesday) March 19th - Geologic History and Landform Regions of Canada

Monday, March 17, 2014

Canada's Soil


I can identify and describe the 4 components of soil.
I understand that soil is a component of the overburden and that it sits on top of bedrock.
I can identify a mature versus an immature soil based on soil horizon development.
I can identify the locations and characteristics of Canada's 4 main soil regions.

Start class looking at photographs of the dust bowl of the 1930's.

Surviving the Dust Bowl - The American Experience
Drylanders - The Canadian Experience
Bill Nye film - Rocks and Soil

Hand out  worksheet on soil - Soil Worksheet

- components of soil
- soil processes - calcification and leaching - permafrost

Assign Chapter 14 outline Questions


Test on Wednesday - Geologic History and Landform Regions of Canada

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Canadian Landform Regions Continued

Special Note: Chapter 11 - 12 Test - March 19th

Learning Goals

I know the locations of Canada's Landform regions and can identify several factors that make each region unique.

Continue with yesterday's lesson (Below)


Teach the material found on the attached worksheets.

Landform Worksheets

Landform Chart

Watch the film Canada's Physical Geography
Stop the film after each individual landform region is profiled.
Students to compose a brief note on the Landform Map of Canada (Handed out in Class)
Homework - Acquire a representative photograph of each region from the internet and place it on the map next to the associated region.

Provide instructions for students to complete activity

Students will submit a large map of the Landform Regions of Canada which will include:

1.  Representative phortographs of each of Canada's Lanform regions
2. Descriptions of the Regions
3. How the areas were formed.
4. What type of bedrock underlies the regions
5. When the regions were formed
6. Representative wildlife
6. Description of human settlement and and human interaction with the regions.

A number of students have asked to complete this project using Power Point.
Attached are some materials that may help you with that.
If you use power point, make sure that you produce a structured presentation using hyperlinks linking your slides to a reference map.  PPT  FILES

Due March 18th.

Watch film : The Railrodder - Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Canadian Landform Regions

Learning Goals

I know and locations of Canada's Landform regions and can identify several factors that make each region unique.


Teach the material found on the attached worksheets.

Landform Worksheets

Landform Chart

Watch the film Canada's Physical Geography
Stop the film after each individual landform region is profiled.
Students to compose a brief note on the Landform Map of Canada (Handed out in Class)
Homework - Acquire a representative photograph of each region from the internet and place it on the map next to the associated region.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Plate Tectonics - Monday and Tuesday March 03 and 04

Learning Goals

I can explain how gradational and tectonic processes work in opposition to one another.

I can explain how mountains are built in areas of Convergent and Divergent Tectonic Plate Boundaries.

I understand how rocks can be classified according to how they are formed and I can draw a labeled diagram of the rock cycle using annotations that incorporate suitable terminology.

i) Take up Test from Last week.

ii) A) Show Bill Nye - Earthquakes (MON)  Earth Materials (TUES)

B) Show PowerPoint on Plate Tectonics

C) Provide instruction on Tectonic Plate movement including convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Note Template    Map Tectonic Plates

D) Review the rock cycle. (Rock Cycle Animation)

Review - Terminology

- Weathering
- Erosion
- Deposition
- Igneous
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
- Rock
- Mineral
- Bedrock
- Overburden

Chapter 11 Outline Answers - Geologic History

Demonstration - Producing a Seismic Map of the world using ARCVIEW

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Rock Cycle Continued and Plate Tectonics

Learning Goals

I can explain how rocks are classified according to how they are formed using the Rock Cycle.
I can explain how Mountains are built using the Plate Tectonic Theory

Review Geologic History Activity - Completed in Class Yesterday
Answers to Geologic History Activity Atlas

Earth Materials
Bed Rock, Overburden, Rock, Mineral, Soil, Rock Cycle

Assign Chapter 11 Outline Questions  - Geologic History

Answers to Geologic History Activity Atlas

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Learning Goals

I know the 4 major divisions of geologic time (4 ERAS).
I know the major changes of life on earth associated with each ERA.
I know that each era is further subdivided into geologic time periods and can interpret a geologic history map of Canada to determine the geologic history of different areas in Canada.

I know that rocks are classified according to how they were formed.
I know the rock cycle.


1. Teach the concept of 1 Million vs. 1 Billion

Introduce the attached activity on Geologic History.

2. Teach the Rock Cycle (Animation)

Introduction and Map Skills TEST


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Map Projections

Learning Goals - Map Projections

I can explain what map projections are.
I can describe distortions created by map projections.
I can describe three categories of map projections.


Show the film "The Impossible Map"

Provide instruction on Map Projections and Map Distortions caused by Map Projections.

Assign map projection activity. Attached

Answers to Yesterday's Landform Questions Chapter 12  Answers

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Introduction to Canada's Landform Regions

Learning Goals
I know characteristics of each of Canada's Landform Regions


Read Chapter 12 and answer the attached questions  Questions

Friday, February 21, 2014

Test on Wednesday Next Week

Test topics

Geographic Themes
What is Geography?
Latitude and Longitude
Map Grid  (4 and 6 Digit grid reference Numbers)
Direction ( Cardinal, Ordinal and Intermediate Points as well as compass Bearings)
Road map Interpretation - (reminder 1-800-ONTARIO - Have you ordered yours yet?)
Map components
Map Projections

Answers to Text Book Questions 

Feb. 06/2014
Textbook Work Road Map Interpretation and Direction

Page 43 Questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Page 32 Questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Feb. 12/2014

Map Types - Relative Map Scale - Map Grid

Page: 29 Questions 1,2,3,4,5,8

Map Grid Questions Page 34

Read Chapter 5

Define Key Terms Page 50

Answer questions 1,2,3,4 page 57

Feb. 19/2014

Read Chapter 4
Define Key terms on Page 44
Complete Questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,13 page 48, 49

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Map Scale - Continued

Learning Goals - Scale

I know the 3 different types of map scale (DS, RF, LS), how to convert between them and determine distance from a map using them.

Scale Notes

Scale Activity  -    ANSWERS

Map Scale - Text Book Work

Learning Goals

I know the 3 different types of map scale (DS, RF, LS), how to convert between them and determine distance from a map using them.


Read Chapter 4
Define Key terms on Page 44
Complete Questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,13 page 48, 49

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Arc GIS online Continued


Continue with work from Friday.

Introduce Collaborative Mapping. Instructions

Friday, February 14, 2014

Arc GIS Online

Learning Goals

1. I can create different types of storytelling maps to tell different stories.


1.  login to the computer and make an account.

2. Follow instructions provided. Instructions    Data

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Direction, Bearings and Using a road Map

Learning Goals
I Know how to describe Direction Using Cardinal, Ordinal and Intermediate compass Points
I know how to describe direction using Compass Bearings
I know how to read and interpret a road map.

Complete and take up Map Grid Activity
Provide lesson on Direction and Bearings NOTES
Teach - Decoding a road Map
Road Map Activity

Assign Road Map Activity - Complete in class

Answers Road Map Activity

Home Work - Phone 1 800 ONTARIO and ask for 3 Road Maps. They will Mail them to you.

Text book Work - Maps: The Geographer's Basic Tools - GIS overview


Map Types - Relative Map Scale - Map Grid - GIS

Page: 29 Questions 1,2,3,4,5,8

Map Grid Questions Page 34

Read Chapter 5

Define Key Terms Page 50

Answer questions 1,2,3,4 page 57

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Absolute Location - Map Grid

Learning Goals

I can describe where places are found using the Map Grid System
I can interpret a road map.


Take up Latitude and Longitude questions from Last week.
Teach Absolute Location: Map Grid - Describing an area 4 digits -  Describing a point 6 digits
Assign Stratford Topographic Map Exercise

Assign Road Map Activity - Complete in Thursday

Answers Road Map Activity

Monday, February 10, 2014

Arcview: An Introduction

Learning Goals

I can produce a simple map of Canada in Arcview.
I can produce a map of the Great Lakes in Arcview
I can apply the concepts of map composition to a map produced in Arcview.

Complete the Political Map of Canada from Friday. Independently complete a map of the Great Lakes.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Introduction to Arcview GIS

Learning Goals

I can produce a simple map of Canada in Arcview.
I can apply the concepts of map composition to a map produced in Arcview.


Review the following Notes on map composition.


All Maps must include the following elements.
Title - Meaningful and Specific
Orientation Arrow - North Arrow
Scale: Ideally a scale bar using even divisions. eg 100, 200, 300 km
Legend and or labels - Not necessarily both.
Name: Your name on the  bottom right corner - Inside the border
Border - Also called a neat line. The border surrounds the entire map including your title, map, north arrow, your name, scale, label and or all labels.

Align labels when necessary.
Respect the concept of symmetry.
Prominent features have a large font size, less prominent features have a smaller font size
Labels are mostly horizontal on the page.
Stick to one font type
Avoid clutter
Spread labels out
Avoid placing labels over line work - eg. a border or river

Follow instructions in class to complete a political map of Canada

Textbook Work Feb. 06 Road Map and Direction

Textbook Work Road Map Interpretation and Direction

Page 43 Questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Page 32 Questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Geographic Themes

Learning Goals

I know what geography refers to and I know the 5 geographic themes.
I can locate a place on a map using latitude and longitude
Using a map I can determine the latitude and longitude of a place.


Collect Short Response from Yesterday.

Define Geography    (Attachment)
Geographic Themes
Teach Latitude and Longitude 

Answer Key Latitude and Longitude

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome to my Geography Classroom

Welcome to my Geography Classroom.


I hope that everyone has had a great first semester. Today represents a new start, new challenges and a new beginning.  I look forward to having you in my class. I look forward to meeting you, getting to know you and teaching you. It is an important time for me to outline my expectations for you, my expectations for my class and and very importantly it is a time for me start to learn how you learn best. It is my goal to engage you, make you think, and help you with your learning in order that you go home and tell yourself or your family that "school is fun and I can't wait to go back tomorrow". Perhaps my goals are lofty, but my pledge to you is that I will do my best to help you learn and be successful this year.

There are times this semester that you will be introduced to skills or concepts that are new. Please don't get frustrated or discouraged. Be patient with yourself as I will be patient with you. The only thing that I ask of you is that you use the talents, skills and gifts that God has given you to the best of your ability.

Have a great semester, talk to me if you have any concerns and give this course a great effort.

Today's Learning Goals:

I know how to access my class blog
I know how to access The Student Information sheet for Grade 9 Academic Geography.
I know the 5 components to a Map.
I know the Political Map of Canada.
I know how to write a short response.


Review the Student Information Sheet for this course (Attachment)
Produce a political Map of Canada (Attachment)
Compose a short response (Attachment)