Learning Goals
I can explain what map projections are.
I can describe distortions created by map projections.
I can describe three categories of map projections.
I can explain what map projections are.
I can describe distortions created by map projections.
I can describe three categories of map projections.
I can adjust the map projection of a data frame in ArcMap.
I can produce a Landform Map of Canada using Arc MAp.
I know the main elements to a road map.
Collect Political Map of Canada (PMOC)
Collect Political Map of Canada (PMOC)
Collect Map Projection Homework from Yesterday.
Review the concept of Map Projections and Distortions caused by projections.
Assign activity to produce a landform map of Canada using Arc Map.
Landform Map is due Due on Friday
Road Map: - Review the components of a road map in order to complete a road map activity in class tomorrow.