Friday, June 13, 2014

Tertiary Industry : Services - Where the Jobs are - Chapter 29

Learning Goals:

1. I can interpret statistical employment Data.

2.  I can  construct a circle graph to compare the relative importance of
     each industrial sector in Canada's Economy.

3. I can produce a summary statement comparing each industrial sector.

4. I know characteristics of Tertiary Industry that set it apart from other industrial categories.


A) Literacy Challenge - Reading Graphical Text - Wimboldon - Give time for completion of activity

B) Circle Graph analysis - Take up activity from yesterday.

C) Assign Chapter 29 outline questions. Chapter 29 Attachment

Exam Review: 

See attachment

Credit Rescue
Post Card Assignment

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Importance of the service sectors to Canada's Labour Market.

Learning Goals:

1. I can interpret statistical employment Data.

2.  I can  construct a circle graph to compare the relative importance of
     each industrial sector in Canada's Economy.

3. I can produce a summary statement comparing each industrial sector.


A) Literacy Challenge - Reading Graphical Text - Sportsplex - Give time for completion of activity

B) 1. Review Types of Industry.

2. Review Industrial Location Factors.

3a)  Review Transportation theory as it pertains to Locating an industry.

3b)  Review Transportation Problem from the Last week test.

3c) Complete the Following
Exam Review Question

C) Interpreting Employment Statistics

Employment by industry and sex (number in thousands)

Employment by industry and sex (in percent)

Assignment Sheet.

D) Chapter Outline Questions

Chapter 29 Attachment

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 6, 9 10,11 - Culminating Activity - Exam Review Part A

June 6,9,10,11.

Students will work in pairs to complete thier culminating activity. - Locating a New Landfill site in Waterloo region.

Exam review Materials
Part A


See Attachment

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Test Day - Chapter 22 and 28

Test Day

Sectors in Canada's Economy Chapter 22

Location Factors and Manufacturing Chapter 28

The remaing part of the class will be spent on Graphic Literacy - See yesterday's entry

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Culminating Activity and Graphic Literacy

Learning Goals:

Period 2
I can interpret geography related graphic literacy type questions that were taken from previous years literacy tests.

Period 3
I can complete my culminating activity.


Period 2
Hand back yesterday's decision making activity
Review strategies to complete elevation project.
Undertake 6 graphic literacy questions and discuss answers.

Period 3

Work on culminating activity in room 202


Test Tomorrow
Industry categories
Locating an industry

Culminating Activity

Learning Goals:

I know how to use a decision making organizer in order to locate a manufacturing plant in Canada.
I know how to write a decision making report.

I know how to access the activity and data to complete the culminating activity.


Complete the decision making report from yesterdays activity.

Accessing the culminating activity over the school network "I Drive"
Accessing the data to complete the culminating activity.
How to use arcview to complete the culminating activity.
How to use PowerPoint to display the culminating activity.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Secondary Industry - Industrial Location Factors

Learning Goals:

I can explain how six factors influence the location of \industry.
I can make a logical decision and write a structured report explaining where an industry should be located.
I can apply models of transportation theory to minimize transportation costs for a manufacturing company.


Review orally - 7 Industrial Location Factors, 3 Types of Industry

1) Jeopardy quiz based on Friday's work - Industrial Location Factors

2) Review a) 3 factors that impact Transportation costs
                 b) 3 Types of Raw Material

3) Take up Transportation Triangle problem  assigned in class last Thursday
     Assign and take up a new problem.

4)  Introduce an assign Decision Making Activity - Industrial Location
Complete the Industrial Location Decision Making Activity.

Answers to text book questions

Sectors in Canada's Economy Chapter 22

Location Factors and Manufacturing Chapter 28