Monday, May 26, 2014

Population and Immigration Test


Tuesday is our Population and Immigration Test.

Today's Learning Goals

1. I can use the decision Making Organizer to determine which city a new immigrant to Canada would move to. (Application Assessment)
2. I know the 3 different Industrial Categories and Can list 6 factors that impact the location of Industry. (Industrial Location Factors)


Assign the Immigration to a Canadian City Activity to be completed in Class.
Give notes on Industrial Categories.
Take Up outline questions on Canadian Trade and INternational Organizations.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Watchers of the North

Learning Goals:

I can explain some of the environmental, social and economic hardships facing young people in the far nortn


Watch the film : Watchers of the North episode 5 - Junior Rangers.
Discuss the film and the similarities and differences of the young people in the film compared to themselves.

Extra Materials:

Niagara Falls Post Card Activity - Due Friday
Post Card Assignment

Post Card Template

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Population and Immigration

Learning Goals:

I know the different Canadian Immigration Categories and how to qualify to get into Canada in each Category.

Population Outline Questions and Answers

Immigration Points System

Immigration Outline Questions