Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Decision Making - Theme Park

Learning Goals.

1. I can make logical multi-factor decisions using a decision making Matrix.
2. I can compose a 5 paragraph decision making report using a decision making matrix as a guide.


Review Ecologic Footprint Essay

Teach Decision Making using the example which selects the best theme park to visit.



Answer with report

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Representing Elevation on Maps - Ecozone Construction

Learning Goals

I can represent elevation on a map using contour lines, spot elevations or bench marks, and colour.
I can organize elevation data into a digital Elevation Model (DEM)


Teach relief (Elevation) representation. contouring , colour, spot heights and bench marks.
Activity - Attached

Complete Activity
Start producing a DEM of model Island in Excel

Monday, April 7, 2014

Friday April 04 Ecozones

Learning Goals

I know what an Ecozone is.
I know how to determine the soil, vegetation, landform and climate of an ecozone.
I Know where Canada's 15 Ecozones are located.


Lesson provided on Ecozones including Definition.

Students produced a legend for Canada's 15 Ecozones. Soil, Vegetation, Landform and Climate were included on each legend.
Activity: Complete the legend found in the attached Power Point using the information in the PowerPoint

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Learning Goals

I know what enhanced global warming refers to.
I know the consequences of Global Warming.
I know how to reduce my own contribution to global warming.


Start class with news film clip - UN report on Global Warming

Take up questions from yesterdays class.

Answers to An Inconvenient Truth worksheet questions.

Teach the global energy budget and relate it to Global Warming.

April 02 - An Inconvenient Truth - Global Warming

Learning Goal

1. I can explain why the theory of Global Warming is difficult to prove.
2. I can explain how global warming occurs.
3. I can describe some outcomes of global warming.


Watch the film An Inconvenient Truth and answer
the attached questions.