Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grade 11&12 - Epicentre Determination (Triangulation) / Grade 9 Elevation and Canada and the World

Hello Folks:

I am sorry that I have not posted for a couple of days.
Here we go again.

Grade 11 and 12
Activity: Earthquake Epicentre and Magnitude Determination (Major Concept - Triangulation)
- Completed in class

Grade 9
Continue to work on the Arcview Elevation Project in Class.

Home Work.

Text Book Work.

Read pages 434 to 441
Answer the following Questions in your Note Book.
1. What is meant by a Global Village.
2. Identify 3 ways countries can be grouped?
3. Explain Characteristics of Each Grouping.
4. Use Figure 32.5 and #5.6 to complete column 1 only in Figure 32.7.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

(Gr 11-12) earthquake watch (Gr. 9) Elevation

Learning Goals
Grade 11, 12
I can research the size and locations of earthquakes using the internet.
I can manipulate earthquake data in Excel and import it and plot it in Arcview.
I can produce and print a Layout in Arcview.

Grade 9
I can represent elevation on maps using several different techniques.

Grade 11/12
Provide instruction on researching information on earthquakes and plotting this information in Arcview.
Grade 9
Provide instruction and activities to learn about repreesnting elevation on maps.
