Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grade 9 Arc GIS Canada's Physical Geography Grade 12 representing elevation

Grade 9's

Today we worked with Arc GIS in order to produce a map layout of Canada that profiled Canada's Soils, Vegetation, Landform and Climate. This is due on Monday.

Tomorrow we will undertake a decision Making Analysis which will select the most favorable city in Canada to move to based on selected criteria. This is a summative activity. Students may work on their Soil, Vegetation, Landform and Climate maps of Canada during class after they finish their Test.

Grade 12's 

Today we finished the presentations we started earlier this week. After the presentations we worked on the tine renderings of a variety of Canadian landscapes. We will attempt to wrap this up tomorrow.


Grade 9 :
Decision Making test Tomorrow.
Demographics and Immigration Test on Tuesday

Grade 12:
Introduction to your independant Study on Monday.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grade 9 Immigration - Decision Making Grade 12 Mapping Topography

Grade 9

Today we learned about the Migration Equation which explains why people move locations.


We also examined three different ways to immigrate to Canada.
1.   Independent Immigrant
1a) Business Class Independent Immigrant
2.   Family Class Immigrant
3.   Political Refugee

Review this material. - Chapter 17

Tomorrow we will complete a decision making activity that looks at Immigration.
Please review this process prior to tomorrows class.

Grade 12

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Grade 9 The Drylanders Grade 12 Digital Topographic Maps

Grade 9

Elevation Projects Due Today

Take up Chapter 15 outline Questions
Watch and discus The Drylanders


Hand in Chapter 15 outline questions - QUESTION 27 - Population Pyramid
Demographic Calculations MINI test (review Chapter 15 outline questions - Question 30)
Demographics calculator - Make up questions and test your answers

Accessing Canadian Topographic Data and producing TINS from the Data. GeoGratis

Index Map

Download Directory

Monday, November 22, 2010

Grade 9 - Chapter 15 Outline Questions Grade 12 Project Work

Grade 9

Chapter 15 outline questions were assigned. See last posting for questions.

Due Tomorrow

Tomorrow: we will take up these questions as well as watch the film THE DRYLANDERS.

Grade 12

Students will continue working on their Arcview presentations.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Grade 9 Demographics Grade 12 Landfill activity with Grids

Grade 9

Finish watching the Chapter 15  Demographs presentation.

a) Introduce Demographic Components  ( Notes)
b) Undertake demographic Calculation Activity

Please print and review the following Chapter 15 outline questions for Monday.

Grade 12

Getting practice with grids.

A variety of activities are assigned.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Grade 9 Demographics - Grade 12 i) Landfil activity ii) Model Building Continued

Grade 9

Demographics - Lesson is provided on Canadian Demographics.

a) Power point presentation
b) Development of Notes
c) Calculation Activity

Grade 12

Arcview Continue with Landfill Activity and Model Building Activity

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We Are Back

After a little more than a week away from our daily classroom postings this BLOG is up and running again.

Grade 9

For the last week we were working on our elevation project. This project is due next Tuesday.
Please  submit your finished Power Point to the following folders. Save the presentation with your last name as the file name.

Period 2 - I:\AA_Files\T_Worndl\!!Student Work\Period2\ELEVATION PROJECT

Period 4 - I:\AA_Files\T_Worndl\!!Student Work\Period4\Grade 9\ELEVATION PROJECT

Period 5 - I:\AA_Files\T_Worndl\!!Student Work\Period5\ELEVATION PROJECT

The rubric and checklist are provided.

Tomorrow we will start an introduction to Canadian Demographics. Please review and print the following materials prior to tomorrows class.

Demographics Notes

Grade 12

Landfill project

Today you will be given the opportunity to use your newly developed Arcview skills to locate a new landfill site within Waterloo Region.

Direction will be provided in class.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Grade 9 - Political Map of Canada and Elevation Project Grade 12 Global Earth

Grade 9

Complete the Political Map of Canada that we worked on last Thusday

Introduce instructions to complete the elevation project we started earlier this semester.

Grade 12

Hand in the Elevation Project that was worked on last week.

Work on tutorial activities related to Global Earth.

Confirm participation and expectations for tomorrows field trip to The University of Waterloo.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grade 9 Global Warming Grade 12 Animations

Grade 9

Watch the Bill Nye Film on Global Climate Change
Investigate the Global Energy Budget.
Complete for Thursday - Chapter 35 outline Questions

Grade 12

Complete for Thursday the Elevation Project.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grade 9 PMOC completion Grade 12 Elevation Project Continued

Grade 9 - all Classes

Take up Chapter 31 outline questions. Answers attached!!
Complete Political Map of Canada assignment that was started earlier this year.

Grade 12

Continue with Elevation Project.