Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Grade 9 Industry Test Grade 12 USU

Grade 9
Yesterday we reviewed Industrial Location Factors and focused on transportation theory and Transportation Triangle Decision Making.

We also took up the Geologic History Atlas questions pg 19 and were introduced to  Canada's Landform Regions.

Today we will undertake
1. Industry Test
2. Film - Physical Geography of Canada

Grade 12
Yesterday we looked at a tutorial activity related to joining tables.

Today we will look topic selection for your ISU

Friday, December 10, 2010

Grade 9 Geologic History Grade 12 Independent Study unit

Grade 9 and 12

Yesterday we completed an activity called Fish Banks
Today there will be a short Debriefing Session.
We will also review the lesson on Industrial Location Factors that examined Transportation theory and transportation triangles.

Grade 9
You will undertake an activity on Geologic time and complete the the attached outline questions for Monday.

For Monday - Please watch the attached presentation on STARS.

Grade 12
ISU proposal.

You will work on a proposal for your ISU. This proposal is due next Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Grade 9 Industrial Location Factors - Grade 12 Working with grids

Grade 9
Yesterday we completed our Demographics and Immigration Test

Today students will  complete an Industrial Location Decision Making Activity.

Grade 12
Today will continue to work with grids.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Grade 9 Industrial Location Grade 12 Independent Study

Grade 9

Review Basic and Non Basic Economic Activities. Review Basic:NonBasic Ratio and Multiplier Effect

Teach Industrial Location Factors and Transportation Theory.
Answers for Chapter 17 and  Chapter 20 are attached.

Announcement: Do not Forget Tomorrows Test

Grade 12

Introduction to Independent Study

Look here for Ideas!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Grade 9 Industry Grade 12 Contoured Images

Grade 9
Wednesday you completed a decision making test selecting a suitable city in Canada for a new immigrant to move to.

Yesterday you were given an outline of  Tuesday's test. We also watched a film on immigration to Canada. We discussed the film which reviewed  the three different categories of immigration as well as dispelling a number of misconceptions about immigrants. Chapter 17 outline questions are due tomorrow.

Today we will take up chapter 17 outline questions and you will learn about the concepts of basic and non basic economic activities and Basic : Non basic Ratio.

Chapter 20 outline questions are assigned and due Monday.

Grade 12


Grade 9 SVLC maps are due Monday
Test on Demographics and Immigration on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grade 9 Arc GIS Canada's Physical Geography Grade 12 representing elevation

Grade 9's

Today we worked with Arc GIS in order to produce a map layout of Canada that profiled Canada's Soils, Vegetation, Landform and Climate. This is due on Monday.

Tomorrow we will undertake a decision Making Analysis which will select the most favorable city in Canada to move to based on selected criteria. This is a summative activity. Students may work on their Soil, Vegetation, Landform and Climate maps of Canada during class after they finish their Test.

Grade 12's 

Today we finished the presentations we started earlier this week. After the presentations we worked on the tine renderings of a variety of Canadian landscapes. We will attempt to wrap this up tomorrow.


Grade 9 :
Decision Making test Tomorrow.
Demographics and Immigration Test on Tuesday

Grade 12:
Introduction to your independant Study on Monday.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grade 9 Immigration - Decision Making Grade 12 Mapping Topography

Grade 9

Today we learned about the Migration Equation which explains why people move locations.


We also examined three different ways to immigrate to Canada.
1.   Independent Immigrant
1a) Business Class Independent Immigrant
2.   Family Class Immigrant
3.   Political Refugee

Review this material. - Chapter 17

Tomorrow we will complete a decision making activity that looks at Immigration.
Please review this process prior to tomorrows class.

Grade 12

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Grade 9 The Drylanders Grade 12 Digital Topographic Maps

Grade 9

Elevation Projects Due Today

Take up Chapter 15 outline Questions
Watch and discus The Drylanders


Hand in Chapter 15 outline questions - QUESTION 27 - Population Pyramid
Demographic Calculations MINI test (review Chapter 15 outline questions - Question 30)
Demographics calculator - Make up questions and test your answers

Accessing Canadian Topographic Data and producing TINS from the Data. GeoGratis

Index Map

Download Directory

Monday, November 22, 2010

Grade 9 - Chapter 15 Outline Questions Grade 12 Project Work

Grade 9

Chapter 15 outline questions were assigned. See last posting for questions.

Due Tomorrow

Tomorrow: we will take up these questions as well as watch the film THE DRYLANDERS.

Grade 12

Students will continue working on their Arcview presentations.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Grade 9 Demographics Grade 12 Landfill activity with Grids

Grade 9

Finish watching the Chapter 15  Demographs presentation.

a) Introduce Demographic Components  ( Notes)
b) Undertake demographic Calculation Activity

Please print and review the following Chapter 15 outline questions for Monday.

Grade 12

Getting practice with grids.

A variety of activities are assigned.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Grade 9 Demographics - Grade 12 i) Landfil activity ii) Model Building Continued

Grade 9

Demographics - Lesson is provided on Canadian Demographics.

a) Power point presentation
b) Development of Notes
c) Calculation Activity

Grade 12

Arcview Continue with Landfill Activity and Model Building Activity

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We Are Back

After a little more than a week away from our daily classroom postings this BLOG is up and running again.

Grade 9

For the last week we were working on our elevation project. This project is due next Tuesday.
Please  submit your finished Power Point to the following folders. Save the presentation with your last name as the file name.

Period 2 - I:\AA_Files\T_Worndl\!!Student Work\Period2\ELEVATION PROJECT

Period 4 - I:\AA_Files\T_Worndl\!!Student Work\Period4\Grade 9\ELEVATION PROJECT

Period 5 - I:\AA_Files\T_Worndl\!!Student Work\Period5\ELEVATION PROJECT

The rubric and checklist are provided.

Tomorrow we will start an introduction to Canadian Demographics. Please review and print the following materials prior to tomorrows class.

Demographics Notes

Grade 12

Landfill project

Today you will be given the opportunity to use your newly developed Arcview skills to locate a new landfill site within Waterloo Region.

Direction will be provided in class.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Grade 9 - Political Map of Canada and Elevation Project Grade 12 Global Earth

Grade 9

Complete the Political Map of Canada that we worked on last Thusday

Introduce instructions to complete the elevation project we started earlier this semester.

Grade 12

Hand in the Elevation Project that was worked on last week.

Work on tutorial activities related to Global Earth.

Confirm participation and expectations for tomorrows field trip to The University of Waterloo.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grade 9 Global Warming Grade 12 Animations

Grade 9

Watch the Bill Nye Film on Global Climate Change
Investigate the Global Energy Budget.
Complete for Thursday - Chapter 35 outline Questions

Grade 12

Complete for Thursday the Elevation Project.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grade 9 PMOC completion Grade 12 Elevation Project Continued

Grade 9 - all Classes

Take up Chapter 31 outline questions. Answers attached!!
Complete Political Map of Canada assignment that was started earlier this year.

Grade 12

Continue with Elevation Project.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Grade 9 Graphing Canada's Foreign Trade - Grade 12 Elevation Project

Period 2

The graphs completed manually in class yesterday will be produced today using Excel.

We will also examine Canada's International Relations by completing the chapter 31 outline questions.

Period 4


The graphs completed manually in class yesterday will be produced today using Excel.

We will also examine Canada's International Relations by completing the chapter 31 outline questions.


Students to continue with the elevation project. (3D analyst)

Period 5

The graphs completed manually in class yesterday will be produced today using Excel.

We will also examine Canada's International Relations by completing the chapter 31 outline questions.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grade 9 Canada's Trade (GRAPHING) Grade 12 Island Project #D analyst

Period 2

Types of Graphs:
Scatterplot - Look for a relationship between 2 variables
Line Graph - Look for Changes over time
Bar Graph - Look to demonstrate an "Amount" of something. EG. Number of Trees can be shown as a bar

Draw 3 Graphs using the ATTACHED DATA

Graph Paper

Period 4

Grade 9

Types of Graphs:
Scatterplot - Look for a relationship between 2 variables
Line Graph - Look for Changes over time
Bar Graph - Look to demonstrate an "Amount" of something. EG. Number of Trees can be shown as a bar

Draw 3 Graphs using the ATTACHED DATA

Graph Paper

Grade 12

Continue with Elevation Project

Period 5

Types of Graphs:
Scatterplot - Look for a relationship between 2 variables
Line Graph - Look for Changes over time
Bar Graph - Look to demonstrate an "Amount" of something. EG. Number of Trees can be shown as a bar

Draw 3 Graphs using the ATTACHED DATA

Graph Paper

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Grade 9 Canada and the World TEST Grade 12 3d analyst Elevation Project

Grade 9 Test Time
Period 2

Canada and the World Test
Complete chapter 32 outline questions

Period 4
Grade 9
Canada and the World Test
Complete chapter 32 outline questions

Grade 12
After completing 3D Analyst Tutorial Exercise 4, students are to take what they have learned and apply it to producing an elevation project.

Checkilst included.
Rubric included

Period 5

Canada and the World Test
Complete chapter 32 outline questions

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grade 9 Canada's Foreign Trade Grade 12 3D Analyst Continued

GRADE 9 Reminder  -  TEST TOMORROW Chapters 30, 36, 32

Grade 9 periods 2,4,5

Attached are the answers to yesterday's Chapter 36 outline questions and notes related to Economic Systems from Yesterday.

Today's chapter 32 outline questions as well as answers to these questions are also attached.

A review activity for tomorrows test is also attached.

Grade 12 period 4
Continue with 3D analyst tutorial

Monday, October 25, 2010

Grade 9 Ecological Footprint and Economic Systems Grade 12 3D Analyst Continued

Grade 9 - Post Card Submitted Today
Test on Wednesday

Period 2
Lesson: Economic Systems - Capitalism, Socialism,Communism and Means of Production
Assignment: - Work on Chapter 36 outline Questions (Ecological Footprint)

Period 4
Grade 9
Lesson: Economic Systems - Capitalism, Socialism,Communism and Means of Production
Assignment: - Work on Chapter 36 outline Questions (Ecological Footprint)

Grade 12
Work on Activity 2 and 3 - 3D Analyst Tutorial
See activity - posted on October 21

Period 5
Lesson: Economic Systems - Capitalism, Socialism,Communism and Means of Production
Assignment: - Work on Chapter 36 outline Questions (Ecological Footprint)

Friday, October 22, 2010

PERIOD 4 STUDENTS ONLY - World Town Planning Day.


The World Town Planning Day will occur on November 09/10. Our class will participate in a planning activity put on by the University of Waterloo School of Urban Planning at the university. There is no charge for this activity, however you will miss periods 1, 2 and 3.

Please print off and complete:

Excursion Form 1
Excursion Form 2

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Grade 9 Ecological Footprint Grade 12 ARC GIS 3d Analyst

Grade 9's Periods 2,4,5

Summative Assessments
1. Test next Wednesday - Canada and the World
2. Post Card due Monday

Today's Lesson - Complete work related to ecological Footprint
See yesterday's posting for work sheets

Grade 12's
3d Analyst tutorial

Home Work:
Please review and make notes on the following presentation

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Grade 9 Classifying Counrties and Ecological Footprint Grade 12 - Geoprocessing

Period 2

Today we:
1. completed the graphing activity from yesterday.
2. completed page 413 question 2
3. Watched a film on the Dominican Sugar industry as an introduction to the concept of an Ecological Footprint.

Home Work:

Complete the following Ecological Footprint inventory for Tomorrows Class.
Work Sheets Ecological Footprint
Period 4

Grade 9
Today we:
1. completed the graphing activity from yesterday.
2. completed page 413 question 2
3. Watched a film on the Dominican Sugar industry as an introduction to the concept of an Ecological Footprint.

Home Work:

Complete the following Ecological Footprint inventory for Tomorrows Class.
Work Sheets Ecological Footprint

Grade 12

Access and complete the Geoprocessing Turorial

Data is found

I drive
Arcview/tutorial/geoprocessing     Folder

Make a folder for project work
G drive


Period 5

Today we:
1. completed the graphing activity from yesterday.
2. completed page 413 question 2
3. Watched a film on the Dominican Sugar industry as an introduction to the concept of an Ecological Footprint.

Home Work:

Complete the following Ecological Footprint inventory for Tomorrows Class.
Work Sheets Ecological Footprint

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Grade 9 - Decision Making HDI and Scatterplot graphing Grade 12 - Think Local Eat Local (FOOD)

Period 2:

Complete and hand in the HDI decision making activity from yesterday.
Start Graphing Activity - Characteristics of Development - Complete tomorrow.

Period 4:

Grade 9

Complete and hand in the HDI decision making activity from yesterday.
Start Graphing Activity - Characteristics of Development - Complete tomorrow.

Grade 12

Continue to work on the THINK LOCAL EAT LOCAL GIS activity.

Period 5

Complete and hand in the HDI decision making activity from yesterday.
Start Graphing Activity - Characteristics of Development - Complete tomorrow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Grade 9 - Post card and Development Grade 12 - Local FOOD Supply

Period 2
Niagara Falls Debriefing - Today you were formally introduced to the Niagara Falls Post Card Assignment.
The assignment is due next Monday. An alternate organizer is provided.

Today's lesson: Students completed an in class Decision Making Activity related to concept of Human Development Index (HDI).


Period 4
Grade 9
Niagara Falls Debriefing - Today you were formally introduced to the Niagara Falls Post Card Assignment.
The assignment is due next Monday. An alternate organizer is provided.

Today's lesson: Students completed an in class Decision Making Activity related to concept of Human Development Index (HDI).

Grade 12
Students will complete the Buy Local Food Activity.
Make sure that you have handed in your :

Australia Layout Map
Hurricane Layout Map

Period 5
Niagara Falls Debriefing - Today you were formally introduced to the Niagara Falls Post Card Assignment.
The assignment is due next Monday. An alternate organizer is provided.

Today's lesson: Students completed an in class Decision Making Activity related to concept of Human Development Index (HDI).

Be prepared for tomorrow
Review and print the following materials.

Learn about Statistical Indicators
Data organizer
Graph Paper

Friday, October 15, 2010

Niagara Falls Grade 9's

Thanks for the great day at Niagara Falls.  Don't forget that your Post Card is due at the end of next week. Please review the assignment and develop a plan in order to complete it and submit it on time.

Post Card Assignment

Post Card Template

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Grade 12 - Think Local Eat Local


You will have 2 days to complete this activity.
Work on it with a partner. 

The Data you will need is located In the I drive under Arcview in the Food folder.

The Instructions to complete this activity are found here. Start at page 6

Make a folder for any files that you create. G:\!p4geo\food

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Niagara Falls Reminder - Grade 9

Don't forget about Fridays field trip to Niagara Falls.

Preparation will take place tomorrow in Class.

See you tomorrow.

Mr. Worndl


GRADE 9 - Canada and the World GRADE 12 - Hurricanes

Period 2

Attached are the answers to the chapter 30 outline questions. Please bring to class tomorrow the prep sheet for the Niagara Falls Field Trip.

Period 4
 Grade 9
Attached are the answers to the chapter 30 outline questions. Please bring to class tomorrow the prep sheet for the Niagara Falls Field Trip.

Grade 12 - I will assess your progress tomorrow and provide instruction related to your progress.

Period 5

Attached are the answers to the chapter 30 outline questions. Please bring to class tomorrow the prep sheet for the Niagara Falls Field Trip.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

GRADE 9 - Canada and the World GRADE 12 - Hurricanes

Period 2
Read chapter 30 and answer the following Outline Questions.
Complete also questions 4 and 5 page 414.

Period 4
Grade 9
Read chapter 30 and answer the following Outline Questions.
Complete also questions 4 and 5 page 414.

Grade 12
Continue to work on your Hurricane layout that outlines the 2010 Hurricane Season.  Include pictures, a summary of the season that highlights that main hurricane events, the hurricane tracks as well as general information about hurricanes. Include captions, factoides and text to support your map.

Period 5
Read chapter 30 and answer the following Outline Questions.
Complete also questions 4 and 5 page 414.

Grade 9's - print the Niagara Falls prep sheet for Thursday. We will complete it in class.

Grade 9 - Intro to decision making. Grade 12 hurricane season

Hi Guys:

I hope that everyone had a restful holiday weekend.

Today's Lessons:

Period 2  Canada and the World
We are taking a break from Arc GIS for a short while. Today you will be introduced to multifactor decision making. We will apply the skills learned today to an activity where we will compare the quality of life offered in a variety of countries.

Period 4 Grade 9  Canada and the World
We are taking a break from Arc GIS for a short while. Today you will be introduced to multifactor decision making. We will apply the skills learned today to an activity where we will compare the quality of life offered in a variety of countries.

Period 4 Grade 12  Hurricane Watch
Today you will complete the analysis and reporting of the 2010 Hurricane Season.
Update your research on the hurricane season and produce a layout that reports on the season as well as hurricanes in general.

Period 5  Canada and the World
We are taking a break from Arc GIS for a short while. Today you will be introduced to multifactor decision making. We will apply the skills learned today to an activity where we will compare the quality of life offered in a variety of countries.



Classifying Countries
Countries can be classified or grouped according to their social and economic development. Economic development is measured by the strength of a country’s economy, the distribution of the country’s wealth, the balance of trade, and other factors related to industrial and economic productivity. Social development relates to the quality of life and overall standard of living found in a country. Social development is measured by indicators such as life expectancy, access to health care, population growth, food supply, access to education, and gender equity.
Using these two measures, social and economic, countries are often grouped into one of three groups. These include:
Developed Countries
Newly industrializing Countries
Developing countries

Developed Countries

Newly industrializing Countries

Developing countries

Strong economic and social development
Poor economic or social development
Poor economic and social development
United States
Mexico – strong economic development weak social development

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Political Map of Canada / Australia - Working in Arc Map Continued.

All Classes

Tomorrow we will have a test on contouring .  Don't Forget.
Sample Test Questions

Grade 9's

Today we continued to work in Arc Map. We continued to prepare a layout  of  Canada for final publication..

Grade 12

Today we continued to work in Arc Map.
1) We continued to prepare a layout  of  Australia.
2) We prepared a digital elevation map of our model island.
3) We continued to complete tutorials related to Map projections.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Late Post:

I am sorry for the late post.

Today we worked on two activities.
1. Elevation project
2. Political Map of Canada\Australia.
Keep up the good work. Except for the Excel work and the hand drawn contour map of your excel work, there is little that you can do at home related to these assignments. You can however prepare for
Friday's contour test.

The grade 12's completed their projection tutorial and their measurements of their model island. We continue processing this data tomorrow.

Have a good evening.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Grade 9 - Today we reviewed and took up the contour activities started on Friday. We also produced a digital elevation model (DEM) from work that we started yesterday and was completed for homework last night. A number of students did not have their homework complete and are now behind. Class time was used to complete last night's homework.  Today's work must be completed before tomorrows class.

Grade 12 - Today the class was split into 2 groups. Group 1 measured elevation data from a model created yesterday in class and group 2 completed work using Arc Map related to map projections. Tomorrow the groups will swap activities.

SPECIAL NOTE Contouring test on Friday!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Today we completed the contour activities from Friday and designed an island using grid paper. These activities are due tomorrow.

Mout St. Helens is represented using contour lines.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Grade 9 Niagara Falls Field Trip: Oct. 15/2010

Grade 9's

Please review and print off the attached materials. Have your parents and teachers sign the appropriate forms and return them to me by next Friday (Oct 08/2010).

Have a good weekend.

Mr. Worndl

Thursday, September 30, 2010

ArcView Tutorials:

Yesterday and today we had the opportunity to complete two tutorials as an introduction to ArvView 9.

Tutorial 1 - Canadian Place Names
Tutorial 2 - Creating a Layout in Arcview.

When these tutorials are complete you are to produce a Political Map of Canada (Grade 9) or a Political map of Australia (Grade 12). These are summative activities which will focus on producing a good map layout.

In addition to your name and date in the bottom right hand corner of the map, all maps must include:

Title - An informative title to describe the map content.
Legend - The area of the map that lists and explains the colors, symbols, line patterns, shadings
North Arrow - A map element that indicates the north direction, relative to the map itself.
Neatline - A border drawn around the extent of the map.and annotation used on the map. The legend often includes the scale, origin, orientation and other map information.
Scale - The reduction needed to display a representation of the Earth's surface
on a map. A statement of a measure on the map and the equivalent measure
on the Earth's surface, often expressed as a representative fraction of distance,
such as 1:24,000 (one unit of distance on the map represents 24,000 of the
same units of distance on the Earth). Map scale can also be expressed
as a statement of equivalence using different units; for example,
1 inch = 1 mile or 1 inch = 2,000 feet. On a map, scale is shown
graphically using a scale bar.

When working in ArcView (ArcMap), there are number of other map elements that can also be included in a layout:

Tables – A layer’s attribute table.
Charts - A graph or chart, generated from your tabular data.
Pictures - Photographs and other image files.
Graphics and Other Text - Text, lines, points, and polygons.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Political Map of Canada / Australia Intro to Arc View

Today we copied the researched data from yesterday into Excel.

We also learned how to import this data into Arv View in order to produce a final Map of Canada or Australia.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Test 4 - Political Map of Canada/Australia

Today marks the last day of  a 4 day test period related to Introductory Map Skills.

We also were introduced to our first ArcView Project.

Due for Tomorrow.

Construct and complete a table with the following headings.
Fill in the table with data from Canadian Capital Cities.

Capital City

You may obtain your Latitude and Longitude data from the HEAVENS ABOVE web site.

Have a good evening.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Testing continues:

Hi Guys:

Monday marks the last of 4 small module tests. Monday's test focuses on terms only.
Attached below are the terms in this introductory unit that you are responsible for knowing.


Period 4 students also will complete test questions related to road map interpretation.

Road Map Questions  --  Associated with an Official Ontario Road Map

Have A great Weekend

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Module 2 Test -- Instruction on SCALE

Today we Completed module test 2 on:

Map Grid References
Map Projections
Canadian Time Zones

Tomorrow we will complete Module test 3.

Period 2 and 5 the test will include:
- Scale and Road Map interpretation

Period 4 the test will include:
- Scale and working with angles (Degrees Minutes and Seconds)

Homework: Textbook -- page 47/48  # 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,13,14,15
These questions are test preparation questions
Answers and solutions are included here. Click here for answers

Have a good evening

Mr. Worndl

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Map Test Module 1

Todays module covered :

Latitude, Longitude and Global time Zones

Tomorrow's module will cover:

Map Grid, Map Projections and Canadian Time Zones.

Todays lesson covered MAp Scale and Map Scale Conversions.

Have a great evening

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Test Schedule

Over the next 4 school days we will have a series of test modules.

Wednesday: - Latitude and Longitude
                    - Direction
                    - Global Time Zones

Thursday      - Map Grid
                     - Map Projections
                     - Canadian Time Zones

Friday           - Scale
                     - Road Map interpretation

Monday        -  Definitions and Terms

Monday, September 20, 2010

Map Scale (Period 4 Hurricanes - Continued)

Hello Folks.

I hope that everyone had a good weekend.

We will start testing this week. Rather than having one large test on introductory map skills , I have decided to break the test into a number of modules. On Wednesday we will have our first module test on the Latitude and Longitude, Direction  and Time Zones. Please refer to the practice questions placed on REZ GEOGRAPHY last Friday.

Today's lesson will focus on Map Scale. Attached are notes and proctice questions on Map Scale.

----  Map Scale Notes

Friday, September 17, 2010

Using Road Maps (P4 Hurricanes)

TGIF - The best day of the week next to Monday !!!!!

Today we had an opportunity to interpret a road map. The activity is a reading activity which focuses on reading graphical text. Reading graphical text is a literacy skill profiled on the grade 10 literacy test. See question sheet from yesterday. - Complete this ativity for Monday

Period 4 students had an opportunity to research and track the positions of a variety of Hurricanes. We will continue this on Monday.

Research location:  2010 Hurricane Storm Data

** Review Questions for Upcoming Test

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Global and Canadian Time Zones (P4 Hurricanes)

Hello Everyone:

Today we completed instruction and activities related to Global Time Zones.
Grade 9's are to read pg 37 to 40 and complete questions 13 to 16 on page 41.

Period 4 students were introduced to Hurricanes. They read an article about the Galveston Hurricane of 1900. Students reflected on the numerous hazards associated with Hurricanes. Tomorrow we will plot the track of a number of famous hurricanes.

Tomorrow: Grade 9's will :  (Please print these activities and bring them to class)

1. complete road map activity and 
2. will work on  chapter 3 outline questions.

Have a great evening.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Map Grid, Direction and Time Zones.

Hello Everyone:

Bell Work: Visualizing Symbols

Today we:

1) Completed a map grid assignment using the Stratford Topographic Map - Scale 1:50,000

2) learned about Direction and Bearings

2) were introduced to Time Zones

3) Started an activity on time zones.

Have a good Day

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Projections and Map Grid

Hello Folks:

Today we :

Handed in the Map projection activitiy from yesterday.
Reviewed the concept of map projections by watching the film The Impossible Map.
Learned a second way to describe absolute location other than Latitude and Longitude. The newly introduced method is called Map Grid.

I am also including some notes on  MAP PROJECTIONS  from yesterday.
Period 4 class will also learn to work with angles. Degrees Minutes and Seconds

Grade 9 TEXT BOOK questions. PG 31 Questions  1 and 1
                                                     PG 26 Questiion 12 b,c

Have a great day.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Welcome  back from what I hope was a good weekend. I am sorry that I missed you on Friday, But I have been told that you wer awsome and got most assigned work finished in class.

Periods 2 and  5

Today we will:

1. take up answers to  the Latitude and Longitude questions assigned in class.
2. Take up the Chapter 2 outline questions assigned on Friday.  Chapter 2 outline questions with Answers

3. Learn about Map projections and complete a small activity related to Map projections.





Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What is Geography

What is Geography

Welcome to my Geography Classroom.


I hope that everyone has had a great summer, but today reality finally sets in.  Today starts the first day of the semester and the first day of a new school year. I look forward to having you in my class. I look forward to meeting you, getting to know you and teaching you. It is an important time for me to outline my expectations for you, my expectations for my class and  and very importantly it is a time for me  start to learn how you learn best. It is my goal to engage you, make you think, and help you with your learning in order that you go home and tell yourself or your family that "school is fun and I can't wait to go back tomorrow". Perhaps my goals are lofty, but my pledge to you is that I will do my best to help you learn and be successful this year.

There are times this semester that you will be introduced to skills or concepts that are new. Please don't get frustrated or discouraged. Be patient with yourself as I will be patient with you. The only thing that I ask of you is that you use the talents, skills and gifts that God has given you to the best of your ability.

Have a great semester, talk to me if you have any concerns and give this course a great effort.