Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Grade 9 Industry Test Grade 12 USU

Grade 9
Yesterday we reviewed Industrial Location Factors and focused on transportation theory and Transportation Triangle Decision Making.

We also took up the Geologic History Atlas questions pg 19 and were introduced to  Canada's Landform Regions.

Today we will undertake
1. Industry Test
2. Film - Physical Geography of Canada

Grade 12
Yesterday we looked at a tutorial activity related to joining tables.

Today we will look topic selection for your ISU

Friday, December 10, 2010

Grade 9 Geologic History Grade 12 Independent Study unit

Grade 9 and 12

Yesterday we completed an activity called Fish Banks
Today there will be a short Debriefing Session.
We will also review the lesson on Industrial Location Factors that examined Transportation theory and transportation triangles.

Grade 9
You will undertake an activity on Geologic time and complete the the attached outline questions for Monday.

For Monday - Please watch the attached presentation on STARS.

Grade 12
ISU proposal.

You will work on a proposal for your ISU. This proposal is due next Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Grade 9 Industrial Location Factors - Grade 12 Working with grids

Grade 9
Yesterday we completed our Demographics and Immigration Test

Today students will  complete an Industrial Location Decision Making Activity.

Grade 12
Today will continue to work with grids.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Grade 9 Industrial Location Grade 12 Independent Study

Grade 9

Review Basic and Non Basic Economic Activities. Review Basic:NonBasic Ratio and Multiplier Effect

Teach Industrial Location Factors and Transportation Theory.
Answers for Chapter 17 and  Chapter 20 are attached.

Announcement: Do not Forget Tomorrows Test

Grade 12

Introduction to Independent Study

Look here for Ideas!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Grade 9 Industry Grade 12 Contoured Images

Grade 9
Wednesday you completed a decision making test selecting a suitable city in Canada for a new immigrant to move to.

Yesterday you were given an outline of  Tuesday's test. We also watched a film on immigration to Canada. We discussed the film which reviewed  the three different categories of immigration as well as dispelling a number of misconceptions about immigrants. Chapter 17 outline questions are due tomorrow.

Today we will take up chapter 17 outline questions and you will learn about the concepts of basic and non basic economic activities and Basic : Non basic Ratio.

Chapter 20 outline questions are assigned and due Monday.

Grade 12


Grade 9 SVLC maps are due Monday
Test on Demographics and Immigration on Tuesday.